Friday, March 5, 2010


I have been blogging now for the past couple of months and I just realized that I never explained why I picked "For the Revival" to be the title of this page. To be honest, I didn't spend much time thinking of the perfect name for my blog. I actually just wrote it down without much thought - practically an accident. However, after coming up with the title, it has stuck with me. I've thought a lot about my "accidental" title; I've prayed with it. And I am confident that a revival is needed.

I know that there are many amazing, holy Catholics & Christians out there who are doing everything they can to proclaim the saving message of Jesus Christ. But for many of us, we lack that same zeal and gusto. We are completely content going to mass or service on Sunday and saying some prayers as we fall a sleep each night if we can remember...or stay awake.

For a long time I was afraid to know what God wanted me to do for Him. I was cool with my little routine. "I'll see you on Sunday, Jesus." That was my motto when it came to me and my faith. I would give God one hour on Sunday and if that mass went long for any reason God would owe me big time. Or at least that is how I thought. Even back then, I knew God wanted more from me, but I was afraid with what He may ask me to do.

What if He asked me to become friends with that kid at school no one liked?
What if He asked me to sell all my possessions and give them to the poor?
What if He asked me to go to some distant land where I don't know anyone?

Questions like these constantly found their way into my head. That is until I came across John 10:10, possibly one of the most famous lines from Scripture of all time, "I have come that you might have life and have it to the fullest." When I came across this verse I realized I wasn't truly alive, but I wasn't really dead either. I was caught in this in-between, luke warm state of life; spiritually, I was pretty lifeless. And I think many of us have been (or are still) in that place. We go through the motions. We do the bare minimum so we don't feel guilty, and then, we move on with our lives, then repeat as needed. Is that really any way to live?

In a lot of ways I am still trying to figure all this out myself. I'm no walking saint, but I am a work-in-progress. But it is time that we allow God to revive our hearts & open our eyes to His love and glory. I can't say how God may call you to live for him today, but I can promise you that He is calling. It could be to a deeper prayer life. It could be to a more radical form of love. It could be to move to Haiti and serve the poor. I have no idea. Whatever it is, it is for you and God to discuss.

I believe a revival is happening. The question is: Do you want to be a part of it?

"I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!" (Lk 12:49).

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